Overdraft is a type of loan which allows the borrower/obligor to draw a certain amount in excess of the credit balance in their current account within a specified tenor usually not exceeding Twelve months.
Receivable Discounting/Invoice Discounting is a loan that allows the borrower/obligor to obtain monetary value (usually discounted) against confirmed invoices for jobs already executed.
LPO Finance is a loan made available to borrowing customers to finance the supply of materials or execution of specific supply contracts to reputable organizations.
Import Finance Facility is a type of credit availed specifically for the importation of raw materials, finished goods and equipment. This can be made available as Unconfirmed LC, Confirmed LC, Deferred Payment LC, Standby LC and Irrevocable LC.
Export Finance Facility is a credit availed specifically for the export of agricultural produce or other commodities. This credit can either be availed at the pre-shipment or post-shipment stage of the transaction.
Term Loan is a credit (short term, medium or long term) availed to finance specific capital projects expansion or lines of business for a specified tenor. Repayment can be bullet, balloon or instalmental.
Lease is specifically finance or sale and lease back financing to support the acquisition of asset or equipment.
Bonds and Guarantee: These create contingent exposure for the bank. They take the form of instruments issued on behalf of customers to support contracts for supply, construction and performance.